Friday, 2 December 2011

The more I Understand , The more I want to Change !

Vikram ' Trying to understand the reasons for Gender based violence and trying to change mind sets '
This is my first attempt at writing a blog piece .I am Vikram Sheoran, working as a web manager in CSR. I have completed my master’s in computer administration from Hisar, Haryana. I started my career as a web developer 4 year ago.

When I started work in Delhi I never tried to find anything other than a desk job. Me , my desk , my machine coding and decoding the world wide web. I joined Centre For Social Research in the beginning of 2010. I started working as a developer. I didn’t know that what exactly is CSR did ? I didn’t even know that what NGO’s do?

After spending 6 months , I started realizing the hardships faced by women in Delhi. Why Delhi is called crime capital? What is eve teasing, Domestic Violence, Female Foeticide? And most importantly what is Gender? I got to know why people say Delhi is not safe for women. Although I had heard about these issues in news papers so many times, I never reacted.

Gradually I realized how big these problems are. CSR is the place where I learnt how important GENDER sensitization is? I have seen so many cases in CSR where women come with their problems. How they are facing these problems? All I can say that now I understand a bit of these issues.

Sometimes I participate in gender training in corporates/slums/schools. During these trainings we talk about various social evils like domestic violence, eve teasing, dowry, female foeticide and many others. Whenever I get a chance I talk about these problems. I have joined many demonstrations for women rights and eve teasing.

I feel there should be strict law ,strong bills and their implementation to ensure women feel safe and secure in their homes ,social and professional spaces.

This Blog is part of the Men Say No Blogathon, encouraging men to take up action against the violence faced by women. More entries to the Blogathon can be read at Join further conversation on &

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